Planning Commission Meetings
Please note that agendas will be posted on this website 24 hours prior to the meeting or work session being held. The minutes of each meeting will be posted following a vote of approval for those minutes. The audio of each meeting is found and stored on the Utah Public Noticing Website. If you would like to be notified of each Huntsville Municipal Public Meetings, please log on and create an account at the following website where you will be able to access all agendas, minutes and audio files of the meetings.
**To be included on the Planning Commission Agenda for the monthly meeting, all items including engineering reports and sub-division changes, need to be submitted to the Town Clerk no later then 10 days prior to the meeting.
Huntsville Town
Town Council & Planning Commission Monthly Meetings 2025
In accordance with Utah Code Section 52-4-202(2), notice is hereby given of the 2025 Meeting Schedule for Huntsville Town. The Town Council will meet on January 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., and will subsequently meet the first and third Thursday of each month (unless otherwise stated) thereafter at the 6:00pm. The Planning commission will meet on January 25th, at 6:30 p.m. and will subsequently meet the fourth Thursday of each month (unless otherwise stated) thereafter at the 6:30pm. Work sessions, special meetings, or emergency meetings may be held as needed in accordance with state law. A notice and agenda for each meeting will be posted prior to a meeting in accordance with state law. Some meetings may be cancelled or rescheduled. Meetings will be held at the Huntsville Town Hall 7474 E 200 S, Huntsville, Utah, 84317. Zoom link available at, as appliciable. For special accommodations contact the city office at least 24-hours before any meeting. For questions, contact the Town Office at 801-745-3420. Published December 11th, 2024.
Town Council |
Planning Commission |
January 9th |
January 23rd |
February 6th & 20th |
February 27th |
March 6th & 20th |
March 27th |
April 3rd & 17th |
April 24th |
May 1st & 15th |
May 22nd |
June 5th & 19th |
June 26th |
July 17th |
July 23rd |
August 7th & 21st |
August 28th |
September 4th & 18th |
September 25th |
October 2nd & 20h |
October 23rd |
November 6th & 20th |
November 13th |
December 4th |
December 11th |
CERTIFICATE OF PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OR POSTING According to the provision of U.C.A. §10-3-713, 1953 as amended, I, the municipal clerk/recorder of Huntsville Town, hereby certify that foregoing agenda was duly published, or posted the following:
Dated this 11 th day of December, 2024 Town Hall
Post Office
Shannon Smith, Clerk
Planning Commission Conflict of Interest Statements
Related Documents
- 2025 Planning Commission Conflict of Interest Disclosures

Veteran's Memorial