Budget Documents
Budget Documents
All budget documents are public record and on file at the Huntsville Town Offices. If you would like to look at budget documents, please come to the Huntsville Town Office and fill out a request for this public information.
Fraud Hotline
The fraud hotline provides town employees and citizens with a way to report suspected fraudulent activity by employees, vendors, contractors, etc. Allegations reported on the fraud hotline are evaluated and investigated. You have two resouces when reporting fraud, waste or abuse. You can report directly to the Town of Huntsville or to the Utah State Auditor's Office. The fraud, waste, and abuse hotline should be used to report fraud, waste, and significant non-compliance issues. Do not use the fraud hotline to report complaints or grievances involving wages, working conditions, discrimination, and other personnel issues. These issues should be reported to the City of Huntsville's administrative office, or the office of the Mayor.
Town of Huntsville's Fraud Hotline:
- clerk@huntsvilleutah.gov
State Auditor's Fraud Hotline
- Website - https://auditor.utah.gov/hotline
- Email - auditorhotline@utah.gov
- Fax (801) 538-1383
- Phone 1-800-622-1243
Related Documents
- Budget Documents