Huntsville History Center

Huntsville History Center

Huntsville History Center


We love our Huntsville Historians!


Huntsville is very fortunate to have a History Center that is staffed by volunteers and funded through donations.  We have an extensive collection of historical information such as typed histories, weddings, golden anniversaries, birthdays for those 80 and over, obituaries and much, much more.

Location: 7365 E 200 South, Huntsville, UT 84317

Hours: Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Historians: Velma Ahlstrom, LaVon Allen, and Carol Stoker

Huntsville Town Representative: Bruce Ahlstrom


The David O McKay Home: Tours of the David O. McKay home are done on request. Please contact John Mckay at 801-633-7368.



Robert F. Aldous Cabin: This cabin located at the corner of 200 South and 7400 East is the first cabin built in Huntsville in 1861. Tours of the cabin are available during the summer months from June until August on Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Aldous Cabin